Saturday, 31 October 2009

Customer Service

2 simple words but a whole load of meaning. Even the boys are beginning to notice. Our lovely waiter at Pizza Express went beyond the call of duty and the boys understood. They were totally overrun - 'Sorry, no potwashers!' he had said the first time he whizzed past as we fiddled with our menus. Many customers were getting a bit stressed. For the first time in a while, we had time on our hands and we opted to go with the flow - so we offered up D & B as potwashers! And how that waiter smiled. So we laughed and joked. There was no Appletiser, no Fanta, so D went for Sprite. Then the waiter returned with an Appletiser! The waiter even found us an extra money-off voucher. Had a great time - service wasn't so good when we had a coffee later in the day. D said, 'Wow, he's a grumpy waiter!'

Monday, 26 October 2009

Sorry Miss Frank

How sad that Miss Frank should fall victim to what seems to be some game the nation's X Factor's voters are playing. We thought Miss Frank was great. B said that, thanks to Graziella, they were a cross between Whitney Houston (with her dress in tact) and Flo Rider. We rate Danyl too but he may have to work on his 'likeability factor', according to B. We all share the same opinion about John and Edward. B thinks they must be getting the Scottish vote with Ricki gone (I'm not sure how to take that!). But surely they have to go - though they should get an award for being so incredibly thick-skinned. B also reckons the split Welsh vote has to end in tears for one of them. Great family viewing - it has sparked many interesting conversations.

Texting Rules OK

Confession time - I think I may have totally underestimated the power of texting. After my previous blogging, I have made a point of noticing when 'we' are using it. With our sons D (now 12) and B (now 13) I think perhaps it is actually a useful communication tool, in many different circumstances. Last night, for instance, I texted D just after he had gone to bed to remind him to try to read a couple of pages of his book. He is always shattered at bedtime and sometimes he just simply forgets (sometimes it is ofcourse a conscious decision!). He texted back 'maybe' and as it happens he did. Perhaps texting can bring a new, gentler and very much 'cooler' side to the artful mother's nagging.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Ultimate Texting

Just had to let all you blog readers know about B's recent text. Mum, Dad and D were watching Man U in the European Championships. B had a race (he's running quite a lot now - around 3km) the following day, so he had an early night. Around 9.45pm Dad picks up a text on his phone - from Brad upstairs!! 'Is it half time yet. Can D bring up cough mixture and nail cliprz.' We didn't know whether to have a go at him for being so lazy or to admire his ingenuity, not to mention his personal hygiene. Seems as if we soon won't actually have to talk with each other - although, could be handy through the grunting phase.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

That would be logical but...

I was just helping D online accessing a games site that he had used previously. He had forgotten his password and wanted to request an email for a reminder. But no matter how many times he tried to input his email address, it was always rejected. He asked me for help (that's a first as they usually go to their Dad with anything techy or monetary!). Anyway, I watched him go through the process again. 'But D,' I said, 'You've put in an extra letter after the '@' sign.' 'No, Mum,' he said. 'It's 'at' - so I put '@ t' just like everyone always says!' We had a chuckle....

Monday, 19 October 2009

Thanks to EADT

Many thanks to Steven Russell and the team at the East Anglian Daily Times. Lovely piece you did about - didn't expect it to be nearly so detailed. Thanks again.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

More nagging - me?

I commented to the boys how silly Maz (our cat - Maserati) is to sit outside under the hedge in all this pouring rain. B said, 'Actually, Mum, he's fed up with you always complaining about his muddy footprints - so he's sitting out there in the pouring rain, freezing his butt off, totally traumatized, thinking we don't love him anymore - knowing that he daren't risk rushing in and 'leaving muddy footprints everywhere.' Feeling very guilty now.

To nag or not to nag!

The other day I heard our older son nag his younger brother about a dropped 't' in the word 'better'. Joy of joys, music to my ears. The nagging must be working, though it always makes me feel such a nagbag! Keep on nagging (nicely!).

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Tough Love

I read an interesting article about the merits of praising your children for just simply every little thing versus being honest with them when really what they did was not up to the mark. It is a tough one for us doting parent types. But in the parenting skills course (contact your local council - ask for community learning and skills) I did, we went into this in some detail. And at home now we are trying to put into practise the idea of praising but in a moderated way. So maybe, 'That was a really good effort. But you have to check your work as there are still quite a few mistakes in there. Would you like me to go through it with you?' Beware - this does bring a bit of sadness or frustration or even anger. But I really believe it's a better preparation for life than letting them think they are stars all the time. Of course, they still got buckets and buckets of unqualified praise where deserved.

Friday, 2 October 2009

How time flies!

I thought we had heard all the 'haven't done my homework,' excuses, but B found a new one today. 'I knew I had homework for October in my journal, but I thought it was still September!'