Wednesday 2 February 2011

Dino Dice win an award

Congratulations to Hugo, Sarah and Rex for winning the Bizziebaby Bronze Award 2010/11. And many thanks to Caroline Coelle and her son Jacob - a couple of the 'testers'. Here is Caroline's review of the Dino Dice:

"Ideal for Travelling. Great clear informative packaging. Game is Very easy for a grown up to understand. My son has just turned 4 and does not really yet understand the concept, however, he really enjoys throwing the dice and counting the dots and enjoys ‘always’ winning the dinosaurs! He will understand with time. I had no concerns about my child playing with this toy ideal for his age. It does not hold my Childs attention for long, although it does hold his attention when he first ‘plays’ with it and likes counting the dice and especially winning the dinosaurs. He plays separately with the dinosaurs and this has proved to be good on long car journeys. Yes it does encourage my child to count, in fact they had been counting with dice at nursery and he was excited at the prospect, it also encourages him to take turns as he is not very good at this. This game is not easy for my child to understand at 4 years of age. However, I can see how some 4 year olds may get it and play for while. Given time though I can see our son playing with the game as it is intended. He plays games with the dinosaurs and uses them on his fortress!! Excellent quality. Definitely value for money, great price. I love; that there are dinosaurs that made Jacob excited from the start; that it is small and comes in a little bag ideal for taking away on trips; that it encourages counting; that it is flexible enough to play with, even though son does not yet get the game he can still play with it. I think the design of this toy is just great. I would consider buying it as a present for a friend’s child. I would recommend this without hesitation. A great game for travelling with that stimulates the imagination and encourages learning." Caroline Coello – Jacob 4 Years

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