Thursday, 2 July 2009

DIY is like marmite

We are having a kitchen fitted including new patio doors. Most of the project is being undertaken by various skilled craftsmen. However, hubby thought we should try to do something ourselves – show the children us doing DIY and trying to save some money. He chose painting the patio doors. 'Simples!' I said (and we'd save £75 - that's the Scot in me). Did you know there are 10 different pieces to preserve and paint (minimum 4 coats for each with sanding in between each coat)? The two main doors are particularly heavy and difficult to handle. And all the pieces are so deeply grooved with holes for hinges and locks and what not, that they are a real challenge. Paint everywhere! And then of course, 'you have to go with the grain!' and 'you can't let the paint run!' and don't get bits on the brush like that!' Personally, £75 was cheap at the price. However, we'd never have found the wood-worm in the right-hand door frame (which we had replaced!) if we hadn't painted them ourselves!

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