Monday, 17 May 2010

Explosive stuff

We had to put the gas fire back on last week in the evenings as it was a tad too chilly for our liking. D (age 12) lounged in front of the fire (more like a cat than an kid) and suddenly asked, ‘Do you think you can really ignite a fart?’ Pregnant (no we are not really!) pause from parents and then Dad stumped up with, ‘Probably, but could be painful.’ The moment passed and then a few days later while on ‘Youth Club Duty’, there was an awkward moment with the older kids. I decided to ease the tension with D’s innocent question, assuming that boys of that sort of age probably had thoughts on the matter.

‘Actually, you can!’ claimed one chap cheerily (17 years). ‘My mate said he was going to let one go. We wondered if it would ignite, so my other mate (all mysteriously nameless!) put a lighter to it. Man, it just went up, big purple flame and the back draft went right back up his butt. You could smell the pub hair burning. He was really hurting. It was awesome.’

We are still in two minds as to whether or not we should share this with D.

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