Friday, 8 October 2010

The 'Helping You' Product Review - Dude Dice Game

Product: Dude Dice High Score (Level 1)

Contents: 3 ‘Dudes’ (3cm high characters) to win,

2 orange numbers dice,

1 function die with ‘plus’, ‘minus’, ‘multiply’ and



Travel bag

: 6 – 8 years

: Around £6.50

: The Wattleworths, owners of ZooBooKoo – established toy manufacturers. Mum Karen was trying to teach her dyslexic son to recall his times tables randomly. Their son wanted to win rewards; their older son suggested including ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ and Dad thought there should be a travel bag. A real family effort!

What We Like
: So simple to learn and play

Great gift that children really enjoy (and parents approve!)

Fun for all the family – even adult brain-training

Children do not realise they are learning

Adaptable to different abilities

Handy distraction to keep in your bag

Children love the Dudes

Tactile large dice

How To Play
: Starter Level - Throw all 3 dice and do the sum. If you throw

'Aaahhh!’ you are out of that round. Each player throws once in

each round. Person with the highest score in the round wins the

Dude of their choice. When all 3 Dudes have been won, the

person with the highest score poaches a Dude from the person

with the lowest score. Player to win all 3 Dudes wins the game'

Extender Level: Throw all 3 dice and do the sum. Then throw all 3

dice and do the new sum and then add your new score to your

first score. Carry on growing your score until you throw ‘Aaahhh!’.

Now you are out but remember your total. The player with the

highest total in the round wins the Dude of their choice. When all

3 Dudes have been won, the person with the highest score

poaches a Dude from the person with the lowest score. Player to

win all 3 Dudes wins the game.

Where To Buy: Good toy and gift stores and online Educational Toys and Games

In the Range
: Try Dude Dice High Score Level 2 for age 9+ and Dino Dice for 4 – 6 years and Dude Dice Winning Words (6+ years)

: 'The Dude Dice High Score and Dude Dice Winning Words pack are

great value,' Mr S, Surrey, Sept 2010

'These Dude Dice games - High Score and Winning Words - are

excellent. My son loves them and they make learning fun,' Mrs S,

Lincolnshire, July 2010

'The Dude Dice games are really fun. I would definitely

recommend your products - they are very different,' Mrs Smith,

Suffolk, July 2010

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